Happy New Year!

Christmas Retreat

23 – 28th December

The year 2021 was closed with
a Heartwarming Christmas Retreat.

Open Sky House

Residents of the Community

Here is Parvati who Takes Daily care of the Community Kitchen and cooks Wonderful Meals


Last Call for India

You may imagine to yourself that you have parted from God, but know that He never parts from you. 

Ramana Maharshi

This Retreat is for everyone who wants to Discover their Essential Love and Inner Peace. We will travel to Arunachala Mountain in South India • One of the most Powerful Spiritual Hotspots on our Planet, this place Supports anyone with a Longing to Become Free.

Vichara – Self Enquiry

Ramana Maharshi’s recommended Technique 
for Self Realisation 

The Analogy of a Bull

“It needs commitment, it needs to be practised. You have to keep at it and not give up. The practice slowly changes the habits of the mind. By doing this practice regularly and continuously, you remove your focus from superficial streams of thoughts and relocate it at the place where thought itself begins to manifest. In that latter place you begin to experience the peace and stillness of the Self, and that gives you the incentive to continue.

Bhagavan had a very appropriate analogy for this process. Imagine that you have a bull, and that you keep it in a stable. If you leave the door open, the bull will wander out, looking for food. It may find food, but a lot of the time it will get into trouble by grazing in cultivated fields. The owners of these fields will beat it with sticks and throw stones at it to chase it away, but it will come back again and again, and suffer repeatedly, because it doesn’t understand the notion of field boundaries. It is just programmed to look for food and to eat it wherever it finds something edible.

The bull is the mind, the stable is Heart. When it wanders around outside, looking for pleasure and happiness, it just gets into trouble, but when it stays at home in the Heart, it enjoys peace and silence. Eventually, even though the stable door is always open, the mind will choose to stay at home and not to wander about.

Bhagavan said that the way of restraint was the way of the Yogi (practitioner of Yoga). Yogis try to achieve restraint by forcing the mind to be still. Self-enquiry gives the mind the option of wandering wherever it wants to, and it achieves its success by gently persuading the mind that it will always be happier staying at home.”

Ramana Maharshi

The Manuscript contains various stories through which you can get an intimate  glimpse into life at Ramanashram and around Bhagavan himself

A Dog and A Monkey

Q.: Can then an animal Realise the Self?
B.: It is not unheard of.

B. now looked at Chadwick, who was present in the Hall, squarely in the eye, and said:
When you came here first, you asked [me] how the Guru’s help is useful in bringing about Realisation. You were told that it makes the poisonous fangs of samsara ineffective. Now do you see?

Chad. merely looked uncomprehendingly vacant.
B.: Whilst the monkey was seated on this [pointing to his body], it was quite beyond the reach of the dog.

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Ramana Maharshi, Aham Sphurana

Sri Gajapathi Aiyyer, Author of Aham Spraruna

Sri Gajapathi Aiyyer was a distinguished lawyer and a devotee par excellence of the Maharshi. He came to Ramanasramam in the 1930s. He stayed for perhaps six months and kept meticulous diaries of the meetings in Bhagavan’s hall.
He is the author of the core of the manuscript known as Aham Sphurana. It seems in 1950’s his friend Swami Rajeshwarananda wanted to publish these notebooks. At that time the ashram didn’t have the necessary resources. Now some 70 years later a manuscript has appeared, Aham Sphurana, which appears to contain the material from Gajapathi Aiyyer’s Red Notebooks.

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Ramana Maharshi, Aham Sphurana

The Play Around Bhagavan

B.: The genuine state of Self is the non-dual Sahaja-stithi [ ]. This cannot be experienced because in that state there is no experiencer. Whatever is experienced is only unreal and illusory. The fact that an experiencer is available to assert ‘I experience.’ shows that all experiences are futile and worthless. ‘Who is the experiencer?’ is what we must find out. Some think experiencing bliss means that the Self is Realised. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Bliss is a dangerous distraction.

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Upcoming Events

Vipassana Island Weekend 

at Open Sky House Hitdorf

11 – 13 February 

This special Vipassana Retreat is a great opportunity to understand how your mind and body are operating and to meet yourself in a deep way.

You will spend a whole weekend with yourself, sitting in silence in the supportive energy of a meditating group and the Open Sky House Community which has been guiding people into their heart and essence for 15 years.

Get a Taste of Living in Spiritual Community – Free Volunteer Week

at Open Sky House Hitdorf

14 – 20 February 

28 March – 3 April


Join the flow of the community and take the chance and discover how spirituality can be lived in every day life. Come one week for free as a volunteer, meet like hearted people and take part in the daily activities of the community. Each evening we will have a workshop and daily yoga, meditation and heart dance.

Meditation Weekend

at Open Sky House Hitdorf

25 – 27 March 


Satsang, Mantra, Herztanz,
Yoga, Active Meditation 

Meditation is food for body, mind and soul in the hectic distraction of our everyday life. It helps us to draw our attention inwards, to trust life and to trust our intuition. In this weekend we explore different kinds of meditations and practices to open the heart and bring the mind into silence.

Easter Retreat

at Open Sky House Hitdorf

14 – 18  April 


This retreat offers a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the energy field of Satsang. There will be daily Satsang with John David, Mantra singing with Live Music, Heart Dance, Yoga, Meditation and delicious vegetarian food. The Retreat takes place in the beauty of the Open Sky House Hitdorf, directly at the banks of the river Rhine where you can enjoy walks in the beatific spring nature.

Anything you would like to share or ask?