
Summer Retreat

2 Week Retreat

in Tripillya – Ukraine

Much Love From the Beautiful Tripillya People!!

Summer retreat
Tripillya retreat

Heart Dance

Circle Dance with Sufi Chants

The Art of Honey

Open Sky Honey

Sweet Sweet Honey

Visiting Beekeepers all over Ukraine in the Pristine Nature.  Selecting Honey flavours for 

Open Sky Honey 

Komala is completing her apprenticeship to become 
the official Open Sky Beekeeper. Honey from Ukraine’s Pristine Nature is already flowing at the 
Open Sky House in Hitdorf, Denia and Tripillya.

Open Sky House

Beginning of July
Open Weekend at Open Sky House


John David made himself available for chats and talks. His Satsangs at the beginning and end of the weekend encouraged to live from our inherent love, peace and silence and to manifest it into the world.


Once again it became clear that over the years the Community has become a strong Energy Field of Silence and Love. It is like an Oasis, where everybody who visits us gets a great benefit connecting to this Energy Field.

heart dance
Play Video

Concert with Praful, featuring Turiya

Silence and Creativity

When we become quiet enough, enormous Creativity is released - music, singing, painting, dancing, theatre as well as Creativity in our daily tasks just arise naturally.

"We never had any plan of how this community should develop. But now there's an amazing Energy Field here. It's not created really by anybody. It' a result of twenty people living together as Honestly as they can, being ready to be mirrors for each other, to get rid of the nonsense, to allow the Truth to emerge."
John David

More about the Open Sky House Community:

Let your Light Shine

Since July we have an Atelier for Lamps and Lampshades at Open Sky House. It came together with Sunyata, who recently moved in with us and passes on her 30 years of experience in lamp design and craftsmanship.



Interviews with Papaji Ambassadors


with Ruth Rich

Ruth Rich stayed with Papaji in Lucknow the last eight months before he left his body in September 1997. In this interview she shares captivating and honest stories about Papaji’s last days. Ruth is presently living a quiet life in Byron Bay, Australia.


with Prabhavati

Dr. Prabahvati is the founder of Ramana’s Garden, an orphanage in the mountains of Northern India. She spend many years with Osho and after his passing met Papaji. She tells the story of her remarkable first meeting with Lucknow’s great Lion. 


with Pankaj

Pankaj was running a garment shop between Satsang Bhavan and Papaji’s house. Papaji got him to take care of all travel arrangements of westerners who came to Lucknow. Often Papaji visited Pankaj in his shop and miraculous things happened.

John David

Next Zoom Meeting on 5th August

Topic: Guru Purnima Day


When I was living with Papaji I still had very strong issues with my father, and sometimes I was looking to Papa to come and tell me  I was a good boy. I guess he knew that.
         It was a special day; it was Guru Purnima day when everybody gives a garland to the Guru. We all came in a long line, each holding a garland, and slowly we came closer to Papaji.
       The procedure was that you gave the garland to Papaji, you knelt down and then Papaji took off the garland and gave it to an assistant. Then he would look into your eyes…



Next Zoom Meeting: August 3rd

Listen to the Longing of your Heart

Sometimes we have a hard time keeping the attention inside. We feel resistant or afraid against Life itself or stay involved in an illusionary movie of life. 

In this Zoom Meeting we come together to give space to the deeper Longing of our Hearts, which can guide us the way through the forest of identification to our inner being. 

Everyone is welcome to ask questions, share or simply immerse themselves in the energy of the meeting.

More information here:

Summer Holiday Retreat

with John David

3 – 19 Sept

“When we are ready to accept whatever happens, ordinary life becomes Paradise.”


We will have daily Satsang with John David. In the morning Yoga, Meditation and Mantra Singing with Live Music. The afternoon is free to relax and enjoy the palm tree garden or have a swim. In the evening we come together for Satsang, Heart Dance, Meditation or Theatre.

Tantra with Turiya  

Explore True Intimacy in an Accepting and Loving Space. Tantra means to Celebrate your Sensuality and Naturalness. It opens your Heart and is a way to meet Unconditional Love which is Your Essence.


Heart Dance and Mantra Singing with Kiran

Heart Dance and Singing Mantras help to become more rooted in your body, put aside your busy mind and open your Heart to a space of lightness, playfulness, connectedness and inner peace.

Authentic Theatre with Indira

In the protected space “stage” we can trust the Moment and indulge in the Natural Flow of Life. Indira offers a Playful and Experimental field to explore Creativity from a space of Silence, Innocence and Curiosity.

Open Sky Villa Spain

 in Denia, near Valencia

3 – 19 Sept

The retreat will be held only 3 minutes walk from the Mediterranean in the Amazing Beauty of the Open Sky Villa in Denia, near Valencia. The Villa is situated in a spacious tropical palm tree garden with a pool, outdoor meditation area, right on the foothills of Montgo. 

Anything you would like to share or ask?