
Retreat Centre in Tripillya

Impressions of the Spring Retreat in Ukraine

Silent Retreat Ukraine

Visage d'origine

When we are quiet and let go of daily masks, our Original Face arises, a face which expresses and connects to our true Self.
In the Original Face exercise,one by one comes to sit in front of the group and looks into the other peoples’ eyes
.It`s a simple exercise of being present and an amazingly effective and powerful way to come deeply in touch with our essential love and emptiness.

Black Cube Art Exhibition

At the end of the Silent Retreat an Art Exhibition took place at Black Cube Art Gallery with painter Lubomir Martinuk, who also made portraits of John David and others, and artists from the Studio “Mexican Dreams”. The Open Sky Band gave a Concert at the end.

Check out Gallery Homepage here

Open Sky

Mantra Band

At the Blackcube Art opening, the Open Sky Mantra Band gave an energetic concert.


Building a new outdoor Yoga place

Sunny Spain

Our guys in Spain are busy constructing new Rooms and Bathrooms

Under the blue sky and beautiful sun of Spain the construction work is progressing. The international team of residents continues to prepare the historical Villa for accommodating spiritual seekers from all over the world.

Volunteer in Spain

If you would like to join us and help as a volunteer you are warmly welcome. The magnificent atmosphere, yoga and meditation, mantra singing, delicious vegetarian food and heartful people are all contributing to the creation of this new oasis for awakening.

In recent times our gallery FlowFineArt was successful in selling paintings and sculptures all over the world: US, London, Vienna. The art that we offer is an expression of the energy of Open Sky House, we call it: Art from inner Stillness. Through our online shop, we reach people who love art that is meditative, harmonious, aesthetic, and timeless.


Meetings with Papaji Ambassadors

à cœur ouvert

with Eli Jackson Bear

Eli Jaxon Bear met Papaji in 1990 in the early years of the Lucknow Satsangs. After sharing about this time for the new Papaji book and film project the Community was lucky to enjoy a meeting with Eli. His sharp Zen sword pointed with great clarity and love to the unspeakable Truth.

John David

Next Zoom Meeting on 1st June

Topic: Love is our Being

Magical forest paradise with yellow sunshine

We all meet certain questions about enlightenment on our spiritual path. The upcoming Zoom Meeting with John David is about one of the most popular misunderstandings in most peoples’ lives: to think love is something which comes to us from somebody else.

Your essential state is love. Our soul, which is beyond your self-image, is your true Self. Your true Self is love.

On the Topic of Love…

Excerpt from the Interview with Here and Now TV


Next Zoom Meeting: May 25th

Being Fully Alive

The Zoom Meetings offer a space to support each other in the willingness to die again and again. Everyone is heartfully invited! You can ask questions, share, or just immerse yourself in the energy of the meetings. Every second Tuesday at 8pm in German language.

More information here:


Retraite de l’île de Vipassana

Un esprit calme et une base importante pour la conscience, car il te permet de regarder plus profondement à l’intérieur de toi-même.”

– John David

Le mois dernier, j’ai vécu mon premier weekend de l’île de Vipassana . Un ami avait déjà participé à un tel week-end et quand je suis venu le chercher, il souriait si joyeusement. Je pouvais aussi ressentir une paix profonde et un calme en lui, ce qui, selon lui, le soutenait dans la vie quotidienne. This made me so curious (and jealous) that I took the next opportunity to also take part in such a weekend, to see what spending the whole weekend with myself on an “island” does for me…

Summer Holiday Retreats
avec John David

Special Concert on Saturday:

Anything you would like to share or ask?