Open Sky Newsletter

October 2021

Arunachala Calling

8 - 30 Jan 2022

Estamos muy contentos de informaros que la India vuelva a estar abierta para los turistas. Por lo tanto, ofreceremos por 21ª vez un retiro de tres semanas en la montaña Arunachala, en el sur de la India. Durante miles de años, la energía de esta montaña ha atraído a muchos buscadores espirituales interesados en la indagación y la realización del Ser.

Tendremos un Ashram privado con nuestra propia cocina a solo 10 minutos a pie del Ashram de Ramana Maharshi. Vamos a estar muy seguros y bien cuidados. Habrá Satsang diario en la azotea con una vista increíble de Arunachala, también yoga, meditación, canto de mantras y caminatas alrededor de la montaña y los templos.


You root out the ego of those 
who meditate on you in their heart”

– Bhagvan Sri Ramana Maharshi


Island Retreat

Faces of Silence

The recent Vipassana Island Retreat in the beginning of October was quiet and powerful. Many experienced a profound inner connectedness and sharpened awareness about their inner workings.

>> next Vipassana: 12 - 14 Nov
Open Sky Villa Denia in Spain

A New Spiritual Oasis

Living a New Human Potential through Inner Transformation

Invest in Inner Love and Peace

With our New Spiritual Centre we want to Inspire and Support more people to an Inner Journey of Self-Discovery: for the Sake of Yourself, the People around you and our Planet Itself. Now we need your support to make this Vision a reality!

Watch the Project Film:

Discover more about the Project

The Art of Honey

Now Available in Shops and Online

Natural, Untreated Honey

Our honey is pure, directly as the bees created it. Nothing is mixed. Nothing is heated beyond 38 degrees. It naturally crystallizes from liquid to solid at room temperature and retains the special aroma of honey and the vital enzymes responsible for activating the honey’s vitamins and minerals.

In big honey factories, often many kinds of honey are mixed together as part of the pasteurisation process, to create the poor mixture without aroma or much taste, but sweet which we have been raised to know as “Honey.”

This unique collection from The Art of Honey offers the finest possible selection of pure high quality honey, from pristine nature.

Wild Meadow Honey

Collected from undisturbed pristine meadows of wild flowers giving this honey a characteristic taste. 

A soft, light flowing creamy texture and a subtle fragant taste.

Visit the Online Shop: 

Vernissage - Flow Fine Art

Sunday, 7th of Nov, 11am - 3pm • until 3rd April

Martin Sieverding • Anatoly Burykin • Christoph Jakob • Klaus Erich Haun

John David


Jennifer Grasshoff


FlowFineArt stands for Art that noticeably emerges from an inner place of Stillness. The objects are abstract and timeless and encourage to look inward and connect with peace inside.

Ramana Maharshi

Aham Sphurana

A Journal of Previously Unpublished Conversations
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.

This Manuscript was recorded 85 years ago in 1936.
It was offered to the public in August 2021 on Amazon.

Read Passages of the Manuscript, selected and edited by John David:

Ramana eyes

Rooting Out the Ego and Persevering on the Path

Q: Which is genuine Vichara – asking myself Who am I? every time a thought arises or keenly investigating the problem of who I am?
B: The latter. If you want to get rid of a poisonous tree, do you lop off its leaves one by one? What is the use of such an approach? In the time it takes for you to cut down one leaf, leaves multitudinous in number and multifarious in variety would have sprouted forth from the vicious tree. Instead, attack the poisonous root of illusion, namely the ahamvritti, straightaway!

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Ramana with Boy and Stick

Danger of Emptiness [shunyastithi]

Bhagavan: ( )…Otherwise, the aspirant will in all likelihood unknowingly mistake the shunyastithi [state of emptiness] to be Jnana and rest in it, eventually becoming hopelessly lost.

It is an unfortunate fact that many teachers of meditation tutor shunyastithi and purposely delude their pupils into believing that it is Jnana.

Shunyastithi [state of emptiness] is a deadly spiritual poison.

It drives one away from the Heart, thereafter the lost ground has to be recovered all the way by means of doubling-back if Jnana is to be reached. That is why meditation is not encouraged here, but only Vichara.

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Rama Na

BE As You Are

Bhagavan: People are so obsessed with and enamoured by mental activity that they imagine that by some special kind of mental activity, such as meditation, for instance, the Self can be duped into revealing Itself. It is not so. Only complete cessation of mental activity can reveal the Self. Giving up the personal self or the idea of the seekers existence, should, again, be volitionless and unconditional; it should not be driven by any motive.

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John David

Next Zoom Meeting on 4th of November

Topic: Vichara, Self Enquiry

Q.: What are the indicators based on which I shall be enabled to find out for myself whether I am doing vichara [Self enquiry] correctly or not?

B.: If vichara has resulted in a state of mind wherein it abides as identical with pure Subjective Consciousness, then you have done it correctly.
          However, it is not easy for the novice to tell whether his mind is presently abiding as identical with pure Subjective Consciousness, because the dull mental state of manolaya [loss of awareness] is often mistakenly regarded as being the tabula-rasa [clean slate] mental state of pure Subjective Consciousness.
        When mind abides as identical with pure Subjective Consciousness, it unmistakeably scintillates “I”-“I”. Thus, the definitive answer to your question is that vichara has been done correctly when doing it has resulted in the aham sphurana [Self-realisation] flashing forth.


Next Zoom Meeting: 2nd of November

The infinite security and love of our Being

We’re just not used to draw our attention to the energy, that is one with everything, hence we easily get lost in our thoughts, worries and emotions.

The Zoom Meetings offer a space to come back to the essential and relax into the infinite security and love of our Being. Everybody is welcome!

More information here:

Upcoming Retreat

Reconnect with your inherent Silence, Peace and Love

When the mind becomes quiet, we experience a deep sense of contentment and nourishment in which our heart can open. We can see what is holding us back from accepting the moment and where we give power to our Ego instead of allowing what is beyond.

Satsang with John David, Yoga, Mantra Singing, Heartdance and
Active Meditations

Price: 210€ 

(Concession and students: 160€)
inclusive delicious vegetarian food
and accommodation in dormitory.
Single or double rooms available for extra charge. 

Anything you would like to share or ask?