with John David
20.01.25 - 9.02.25
This could be the Most Important
‘When you have found
the answer to Who am I?,
then you will know
the universal language
of humanity
which is Love.’
Question: What is the significance of Self Enquiry?
Sri Ramana: In the end, everybody must come only through this gate [of “Who am I?”] before reaching the citadel of the Heart. Wer bin ich? is the only sadhana which is such that the one making it is the same as the one in relation to whom it is made. The snake must bite his own tail. Otherwise he will not die.
Beginners who complain that Who am I? is not working are given the suggestion that they should watch the thought “I”, or that they should remain attending to Subjective Consciousness alone. Still less mature souls are told to repeat “I”, “I” mentally, together with simultaneously concentrating on the sense of personality associated with “I”, that is to say with the mental concept of “myself”.
Those who are not able to do even this should do pranayama, japa [Mantra Meditation], moorthydhyana, or hathayoga. None of these practices, however, could possibly serve as a substitute for Self Enquiry, nor is it meaningful to confuse any of them with Self Enquiry or to imagine any of them to be the same as Self Enquiry. Self Enquiry is the final door. The “I” attends to himself, not to his Self. The ego attends to the ego and to nothing else; that is Self Enquiry.
The Great Yogis say the Mountain is the Heart Chakra of the Planet and the Most Auspicious Place on Earth for Spiritual Practice.
The Retreat
Practices & Activities
Daily with John David
Silent & Active
Daily in Mornings
Mantra singen
Indische Meister
Visits & Satsangs
mit John David
of Indian Culture
at Ramana Ashram
Practicalities & Booking
2350€ Standard
1850€ Concession
1200€ Young Helpers (talk to Indira)
Kontakt: Indira
Mobile and Whatsapp:
+49 (0)178 289 0814
Email: office@johndavidsatsang.international
Günstige Flugtickets kannst du hier finden:
Select your country or city as departure and CHENNAI airport as destination. From some countries BANGALORE is easier to find an airplane to.
From Chennai Airport you can take a taxi to the Ashram in Tiruvannamalai 〜 40-50€. From Bangalore 〜 60€.
20th Jan 2023 – 9th Feb 2024
If you have any questions about the retreat or registration you can contact Indira.
For Questions contact Indira:
Mobile and Whatsapp:
+49 (0)178 289 0814
Email: office@johndavidsatsang.international
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John Davids
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