Open Sky Newsletter
January 2021
Winter Retreat
The Year Started with a Heartwarming Winter Retreat.
Instead of travelling to Tiruvannamalai in South India,
the Retreat took place at Open Sky House Hitdorf.
Introducing Heart Dance
In the Winter Retreat John David introduced Heart Dances, inspired by Murshid Samuel Lewis, American Sufi and Zen Master.
The Dances consist of a simple and devotional choreography and Sufi chants.
Zoom Meetings
One to One Sessions
The video call allows a surprisingly intimate, energetic and deep meeting. John David answers your questions and guides you to your true nature.
Translation into German, Spanish, Russian and French is possible.
Group Meeting
On Saturday 5pm
The meetings are spontaneously unfolding out of the group energy. You can ask your questions or simply enjoy the Peace and Silence of Satsang.
Background Translation into German and Spanish is possible.
Adventures in Consciousness
New Film published by Open Sky Press
John David’s Life Journey exposes how he has been guided by the Divine Navigator
(as you are too). If we become quiet enough we can all hear this guidance.