Heart to Heart

with Isaac Shapiro

John David interviewed Isaac Shapiro for his new book and film Project about Papaji. Recently the community had a touching Zoom Meeting with Isaac.

Heart to Heart

with Pari

John David interviewed Satyaa and Pari for his new book and film Project about Papaji. Pari offered a Satsang Meeting over Zoom with the Open Sky House Community.

Heart to Heart

with Andrew Cohen

Following the interview in Meetings with Remarkable People. The recent interview for Papaji Day by Day Andrew gave and offered an inspiring Zoom Satsang from Bangalore in India. 

Heart to Heart

with Karl Baba

“It  astounds me that there is a community that can be with such extended silences, especially with individuals coming up, not in person but thousands of miles away to commune in Silence.

Of course, I am merely enabling silence by stepping out of the way as much as I can, so who knows what divine forces flow in according to people’s receptivity but I don’t own it.”

 – Karl Baba

Heart to Heart

with Aruna

Aruna Byers, an American Satsang Teacher from Japan, told her stories about her time with Papaji. Just recently she gave an Online Satsang to the community residents. We loved her feminine and compassionate approach and are deeply grateful for the meeting. 

Heart to Heart

with Nukunu

The Community recently connected with the Danish Satsang Teacher Nukunu, who was a student of Osho and Papaji. The meeting was very energetic, the room was filled with an intense silence and the open hearted energy revealed a deep love within us.

Heart to Heart

with Vasant Swaha

Vasant Swaha had been a close disciple of Osho for many years before he met Papaji. In his Interview with John David he told amazing stories about his masters. He currently splits his time between Norway and Southern Brazil, from where he shared his clarity and joy with the Open Sky House Community.

Heart to Heart

with Eli Jaxon-Bear

Eli Jaxon-Bear met Papaji in early 1990 in Lucknow. After sharing about this time for the new Papaji book and film project the Community was lucky to enjoy a meeting with Eli. His sharp Zen sword pointed with great clarity and love to the unspeakable Truth.