My understanding is that the point of our life, if anything, is to become Self-realised. This means that we see the ego, the movie of our life, is not who we are. When this is clearly seen, everything profoundly changes.
As we grow up in our family and society, we inevitably take on various conditionings, programmed modes of behaviour and habits that cover our true Being, the innocence we lived as children.
We feel disconnected and start to search again for that space we once knew. On the search, we need to see how we are conditioned and how our ideas about who we think we are create a kind of movie out of our life, a movie which we are usually totally identified with.
We perhaps have some spiritual experiences, which are actually moments of being with what is True. This is our essence which is Love and a profound ground of Peace.
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John David International
Satsang Office
Tel.: +49 (0)2173 4099204
Mobil & Whatsapp:
+49 (0)178 2890814 (Indira)
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