Open Sky Villa Denia
near Valencia
Summer Holiday Retreat in Denia, near Valencia
3 - 19 September 2021
John David annually offers a 2-Week Retreat in Open Sky Villa at the Mediterranean
How many times have we tried to change our lives to become more happy or find more inner peace? But true happiness we never will find on the outside, as the key is within ourselves.
For this we need to go beyond our usual experience of ourselves as a man, a woman, mother, doctor or gardener. We need to go beyond happy or unhappy, successful, unsuccessful, angry or loved and find out who we really are.
In this retreat John David will guide you to a deep meeting with yourself beyond roles, thoughts and feelings. He will guide a journey into your heart and into your essence. This space will transform your life. You will find unconditional love and peace so that life can be enjoyed in every moment as it is, with nothing standing in between.
This 16 day retreat will be held in the Open Sky Villa in Denia, near Valencia in Spain. The location is a stunning old villa situated in a lush and spacious tropical paradise with palm trees and a huge swimming pool only a 3-minute walk to the Mediterranean.
We will have daily Satsang with John David. In the morning Yoga, Meditation and Mantra Singing with Live Music. The afternoon is free to relax and enjoy the palm tree garden, have a swim in the pool or in the Mediterranean. In the evening we come again together for Satsang, Meditation or Theatre.
Tantra with Turiya, 11 – 12 September
Explore true intimacy in an accepting and loving space. Tantra means to celebrate your sensuality and naturalness. It opens your heart and is a way to meet unconditional love which is your essence.
Authentic Theatre with Indira
With many years of teaching experience, Indira offers an experimental space to follow your intuition, curiosity and innocence in a playful way.