I am here to support you to live in the NOW. In the present moment stories don’t arise and this gives space in you for enormous amounts of Love and Peace.
John David

Live in Freedom​

John David

has been offering Satsang since 1997 in many different parts of the world, Australia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and India. He is able to pick up everybody where they are on their journey and intuitively sees your conditioned mind structures which prevent you to live in freedom. He can help you to remove these layers.

Satsang opens your heart and quiets your mind. Everybody is welcome! It`s a space for a deep meeting with yourself beyond roles, thoughts and feelings. A space to reconnect with what is of most value to you, ask your innermost questions and allow yourself just to be.

Most of the time in our ordinary lives, we are not very aware of our essence, and often not very connected to it. Our life is run by desires, fears and goals. The energy of Satsang supports us to focus inside and meet our own source, our true Self. With this deep connection to our being we can be really present for every moment of our life and experience the enormous love and peace which is always there.

Satsang often starts with a brief period of silence followed by a talk or an invitation to ask questions. Everything happens spontaneously. You may participate by simply listening to and absorbing the sense of freedom and peace, or you may choose to become more actively involved in a dialogue with John David.

Here you can find dates of upcoming Satsang Meetings and information about Satsang


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Retreats, Satsang and Books by John David

Lineage of Masters ​

Spiritual Masters who inspired and guided John David on his journey

Osho - Rajneesh

With Osho I learnt meditation and the awareness to look inside. He inspired a life-long search for truth and opened up my heart. My everyday life changed dramatically during the fifteen years I spent in his presence. 

The Lion of Lucknow who gave me the greatest gift. Through his Grace, my five years in his presence were years of immense understanding and wisdom. I became a finder. Papajis master was Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Ramana lived his life on the holy mountain Arunachala, in South India. He is known for Self-enquiry  that by enquiring into the nature of the Self with the question, ‘Who am I’ we can most directly come to Self realisation.

Spiritual Books

Latest publications by John David and Open Sky Press

Previously unpublished Teachings and Stories of 
Sri Ramana Maharshi

Fascinating dialogues and stories of Sri Ramana Maharshi recorded by Sri Gajapathi Aiyyer in the summer 1936, at Ramana Ashram. This book contains a selection from the complete manuscript Aham Sphurana. This selection, a brilliant treasure, speaks for itself. Beside the detailed teachings on Self-Enquiry, Surrender and Jnana, it exposes a new glimpse of Bhagavan’s personal day-to-day life at fifty-six, in his middle age.

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Intimate meetings with 12 well known spiritual Masters

Touching life stories by twelve advaita/non-duality teachers from USA, Europe, Australia and India. In a deeply honest and authentic way, each of them shares their inspiring paths. The book is a deep dive into the mystery of life, encouraging us to follow our inner navigation, our intuition.

The spontaneous flow of the interviews takes us on unexpected journeys guided by existence. We witness miraculous adventures and blissful times as well as confusion and pain. 

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Spiritual Wisdom for every aspect of life

A fascinating compilation of quotations from powerful spiritual figures throughout history, such as Osho, Buddha, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ram Dass, Meister Eckhart and Ramana Maharshi. 

They have inspired the English spiritual teacher John David to give his own interpretations about Happiness, Spirituality, Mind-Body and the philosophy of being in the form of insightful, profound and humorous public talks.

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