Real Transformation
by Going Inside

A live Satsang dialogue 


A live Satsang dialogue 


CH: I’m very touched.

JD: Yes.

CH: There’s a deep longing to really live, to connect and to share. It’s very, very strong, I didn’t expect that.

JD: This came out of just doing this ten minute exercise?

CH: Yes, a strong urge to live.

JD: And what is your life actually?

CH: Kind of boring. (laughter)

JD: How much are you ready to change your life towards what you’ve just said?

CH: I want to go to Hawaii.

JD: What happens there?

CH: There’s the ocean; I can surf.

JD: Well,that’s not going to help you achieve any of what you’ve just said.

CH: You’re right, but I have a friend there.

JD: Yes, but that’s another reason not to go.(laughter) This is the basic mistake of everybody who says what you said. You said something very, very beautiful.
Incredibly beautiful. The most beautiful thing you could say as a human being. But then, you just completely don’t understand.

CH: I think I understand…

JD: It’s only going to work if you look inside yourself. This is the only possibility.
        I’m sorry to be so ruthless but I’ve been doing this for twenty-five years and this is the only way to achieve what you said you wanted to achieve.
    You didn’t say, ‘I want to eat chocolate on the beach in Hawaii,’ did you?

CH: No.

JD: No. I’m responding to what you said, I wasn’t expecting you to rush out and tell us that,so that’s very,very beautiful, but you’re completely sabotaging yourself when you think that by going to Hawaii you’ll get out of your boring life.
        Well, yes, in one way you’ll get out of your boring life, maybe you’ll start surfing, and it’ll get more exciting. But if you really want what you said you want, it’s only INSIDE. Because the amazing open secret is that everything like peace, like love is already inside us.
        You have to go in a different direction because while you’re looking for Hawaii and your friend you’re looking on the outside, and you are not looking where it really is, the INSIDE.
It’s very close, because probably you wouldn’t have said all those things except that you sat quietly for ten minutes and then immediately you connected to somewhere very deep inside you.
        So it’s very close, ten minutes away. Flying to Hawaii takes twenty hours and when you get there, guess what?

CH: I’m the same.

JD: The same CH. will get off the plane who got on the plane.

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