Aham Sphurana
A Glimpse of Self Realisation
New Book about Sri Ramana Maharshi
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“In my opinion, Aham Sphurana, a Glimpse of Self Realisation, will become a Treasure Trove of Wisdom to the Seekers of Truth in general, and particularly to the devotees of Bhagavan.”
Swami Hamsananda – Athithi Ashram, Tiruvannamalai
Ripe Souls Attain Jnana
Q: It is said that the Jnani breathes Jnana into others through the power of his silence, that words are not necessary for him. How does the Jnani enlighten his disciples?
B: His bodily presence creates a natural ‘force field’ of mental quietness in the vicinity. Science has made the observation that if an adequate length of insulated copper wire is repeatedly wound around an iron truncheon and then electricity is passed through the wire, iron filings placed near the truncheon are attracted to it.
There is no modus operandi visible to the naked eye by means of which the magnetised iron is able to influence the iron filings, yet in fact it happens. Likewise, the invisible waves of Jnana radiating off the mindless one, spontaneously effect those around him, whether they are aware of it or not. Sensitive minds become aware of it.
Just like iron filings are quietly sucked towards the magnetised iron bar, the Jnani’s silent influence introverts the mind and facilitates its submergence or absorption in the Beingness of the Self. Once the initial right experience has been gained in vicinity of the Jnani’s presence, thereafter as a result of incessant practice, the sadhaka understands that the state of extroversion is a departure from the natural state and that effortlessly and volitionlessly maintained thought free and languor free Subjective Consciousness is the natural state.
It is only then that he reaches the formless realm of Indestructible Peace. Note that all this is from the sadhaka’s point of view only. The Jnani cannot be aware of any ‘others’ to help, nor is he necessarily even aware that he is bringing about all this; it all merely happens by the Power of the Presence.
Q: I feel no such magnetic effect in Bhagavan’ s presence. What fault have I committed?
B: I have already said that it requires sensitivity of mind. Nevertheless, your inability to feel it does diminish its effectiveness. You may not feel the potency of the Jnani’s silent influence. Yet, it is there and it is helping you, regardless of your opinions.
Edited by John David Nov 2024