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Got It !
Got It !
This is the answer to my question. My question was how can I be absolutely awake in the middle of a very busy life with my family, earning a living.
As I sat there looking at him doing what I could to just be and when the five seconds were over he asked me what happened. I said well I’m just sitting here. He said, no, no, I told you no thinking. I am sitting here thinking. So let’s do it again. So we did it again. At that point I was starting to realize the bottomless pit I had just started to fall into.
That there was no escape. That this was not a game, that this was not an attainment, that this was not mind in any way. So I just quietly for a couple of minutes and then when that was over he asked me what had happened.
I wasn’t about to say anything, but he kept insisting. I told him nothing happened and that it was just quiet and dark with a little what happens when you close your eyes. He said very good. He says you’ve got it.
He was joking around, he says.’ you got it, haven’t you.’(how will I know?). He says are you sure you’ve got it? And he says, Papaji says, I’m sure you’ve got it. I said, well Papaji, if you’re sure, I’m sure. And that was it.
We had other interactions since then but it sounds funny for me to say this because twenty years of Zen and Vipassana Buddhist training was totally against this, the master gave this. He gave me the gift of awakening. It was nothing I did.
In the days after that each day more of the realization would come, of emptiness, of quiet, of silence and in that silence everything is known. In that silence is the realization, it can’t be spoken. In that silence is the disappearance of the individual doer. The doer was the mind where you might call central organizing principle of individuality, the ego, was shattered in that moment.
It was shattered into fragments, impulses, thoughts would continue, desires came and went, memory, everything was there, but they weren’t held into a pattern called individual. They were just flowing. And without total identification there is no continuity of any kind of individual doer, so the doer got whacked.
Dasaarath Lucknow 1993
An Individual Connection to the Master
con el maestro
Un día estamos caminando y le hablo de dos cosas que vi que me dejaron atónito. Me preguntó cuál era la diferencia entre estar aturdido por esa escena en particular. Estaba entrando en detalles muy sutiles sobre las experiencias y lo que me estaba pasando y eso me pareció fascinante.
“Vaya, este silencio y esta dicha son tan hermosos”. Se levanta y dice: “Voy a bajar a hacer un yogur”. Entonces, le sigo y le dije: “¿Por qué has hecho eso?”. Él dijo: “¿Dónde está tu silencio ahora?”. Dije: “Bueno, todavía está aquí”. Él dijo: “Por eso lo he hecho”.
Dijo: “Este es el valor de estar cerca de un Maestro”. Dijo: “Has venido conmigo aquí abajo y estabas molesto conmigo por traerte aquí, pero dices que esta quietud todavía está contigo. No importa qué actividad hagas, no importa si estás sentado, si estás cocinando, si estás caminando, si estás tomando una copa … la quietud siempre está aquí, y te estás dando cuenta ahora “.
Él dice: “No veo otro camino que no sea estar en compañía de un Maestro”. Él fue muy claro en aquel momento y dijo: “No veo otro camino excepto que el Maestro tenga muy pocas personas a su alrededor, para que pueda trabajar individualmente con lo que está sucediendo con cada uno”. Por supuesto, eso cambió con el tiempo pero aún así podía abarcar toda la habitación; cuando había más de trescientas personas, podía abarcarlo.
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