
Open Sky Band


Singing mantras together opens the heart. The loops of thoughts of everyday life become still and a space of silence and connectedness opens up.

Mantras are sacred and healing sounds, syllables, words or phrases that have been chanted for thousands of years and have a profound effect on our energy system. If we turn our attention to the mantra, even if we do not understand the words and the meaning, we feel its power and can be deeply touched by it.

The great spiritual power of chanting mantras is difficult to grasp with the mind, but we can experience it directly while singing.

Everybody is welcome.

Mantra singing

Singing mantras together opens the heart. The loops of thoughts of everyday life become still and a space of silence and connectedness opens up.

Mantras are sacred and healing sounds, syllables, words or phrases that have been chanted for thousands of years and have a profound effect on our energy system. If we turn our attention to the mantra, even if we do not understand the words and the meaning, we feel its power and can be deeply touched by it.

The great spiritual power of chanting mantras is difficult to grasp with the mind, but we can experience it directly while singing.

Everybody is welcome.