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The Juggler

Aham Sphurana

A Glimpse of Self Realisation

New Book about Sri Ramana Maharshi

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A Glimpse of Self Realisation

New Book about Sri Ramana Maharshi

“In my opinion, Aham Sphurana, a Glimpse of Self Realisation, will become a Treasure Trove of Wisdom to the Seekers of Truth in general, and particularly to the devotees of Bhagavan.”

Swami Hamsananda – Athithi Ashram, Tiruvannamalai

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The Juggler

A certain man who, I learn, puts on juggling performances every year during the Karthigai Deepam festival, has come to the Hall; he has questions to ask of the master—

Q.: Does Sri Maharshi possess the power to turn his body invisible at will? Does Sri Maharshi possess the power to materialise objects out of nothing or thin-air?
B.: Sri Maharshi does not even possess a will.

Q.: [somewhat smugly] Now I would please like Sri Maharshi to witness my spectacular abilities.

The man then proceeded to extract from his baggage a long rapier of the sort used in fencing-games, and attempted to entertain the master and the Hall by endeavouring to swallow whole the same.

Just before he could carry out any such feat of his, however, the sarvadhikari[manager] who had evidently heard of what was going on here, rushed into the Hall and ushered – in fact, threw – him out. After coming back inside, he commented,

 “If that trickster [சில்மிஷக்காரன்] ever tries to make his way back inside again, those in the Hall – any one of you – please come and alert me at once…”.
B.: He was not trying to hoodwink us, but only endeavouring to demonstrate his talents. That spatha [rapier] which was shown by him did not have any folding or retraction mechanism. It is necessary to practice for years together so that the body’s inherent and natural reflexes can be overcome and defeated, in order that the instrument may be thrust all the way inside the alimentary-canal; it is certainly not an easy feat to accomplish. People slog for years together like this in order to gain the appreciation of others in society.
         What is the use? One day somebody else will come along and steal our throne within a few minutes, and then we will lie forgotten and abandoned on the roadside. Instead of expending one’s energies uselessly outwards like this and then suffering needlessly later on, one must deploy this given lifetime towards the cause of Realising the Self.

Q.: Not all can understand the technical nuances of Ajata Advaita; it requires a highly evolved intellect so to do.
B.: It is enough if the belief that the world is real be given up.

Q.: Is it necessary to believe the world to be a projection of one’s own mind?
B.: We look for beliefs to harbour only after we have lost hold of that which is actually Real. If the Real be held on to all the time, the question of what to believe and what not to believe will never arise. The believer himself being altogether fictitious, can anything believed by him be true or correct?
          Hold on continuously and incessantly to the Beingness of the Self—without anticipating or expecting anything in return or by way of reward—until the Self Reveals Himself; then there will be no requirement to go on asking questions, such as “Shall we believe in this?” or “Shall we believe in that?”.

Edited by John David Oct 2021

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How shall we kill the mind?

Aham Sphurana

A Glimpse of Self Realisation

New Book about Sri Ramana Maharshi

Available Worldwide

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A Glimpse of Self Realisation

New Book about Sri Ramana Maharshi

“In my opinion, Aham Sphurana, a Glimpse of Self Realisation, will become a Treasure Trove of Wisdom to the Seekers of Truth in general, and particularly to the devotees of Bhagavan.”

Swami Hamsananda – Athithi Ashram, Tiruvannamalai

Available Worldwide

on  and Amazon:

How shall we kill the mind?

Q.:Throbbing ‘I’-‘I’ scintillating within me. This is an intensely peaceful state and I wish I could remain in it forever. Alas – unfortunately, the experience lasts for only a few seconds before fading away. Can I please know the reason from Bhagavan?

B.: It means that the tendencies which cause extroversion are still dormant within the mind. It is necessary to go on unabatedly practising keeping the mind submerged in the Heart until all of the latent tendencies are wiped out without trace.

Q.: How shall we kill the mind?

B.: Is it the mind that wants to kill the mind? The mind cannot kill the mind. Anything that you endeavour to ‘do’ with the mind will only reinforce and perpetuate the notion of mind. Rather than pointlessly wondering, ‘How shall I eradicate the mind?’, go on seeking the mind. Incessant search for what mind is results in its disappearance.

           The thing to do is to completely ignore the objects that appear by the reflected light of the mind, and instead seek the source of the mind’s illumination. If the source of the mind is continuously sought for, it begins to subside.

            The point of vichara is to continuously hold on to the subject. No matter what the experiences might be that present themselves, pay no attention and continue to remain focused on the subject. The subject is your notion of ‘I’. Go on examining this notion until it disappears.

Edited by John David Oct 2021

One Response

  1. One who knows spurana cannot but fail in expressing them with words like one does explaining the taste of honey, but in experience a drop on the tongue tells it all. Thus, is the grace of the divine that throbs on the right side of the chest which is, with due reverence, not limited to just Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi or his path revealed alone.

    The throb is like the screen of your curtain over the window pane unmoving poked by your walking stick – viewing it from the other side of the screen you will see a cavity and this cavity is what sucks the mind within like a whirlpool does – but only there is no swirling.

    And when such a gravity pulls the bubble of the mind busy in movements there seems a tranquility that has always been there and is always there, a kind of continuum that cannot be explained for understanding which happens with intervals of waves of thoughts on the apparent screen of understanding.

    Such a grace of suction may happen in the presence of a Being like that of Sri Ramana or it could happen in just being at a place for example like Rishikesh which has it’s own existence as a being with the power to push or pull the bull of the reflected light within the throb.

    A quiet prevails. That’s all one can say from experience, when the bull runs out amok into the vagaries of the objects pursuing it’s habits… when they subside gradually the returning home experience increases and thereon spontaneously a new world of the unseen in terms of exquisite experiences energetically of various degrees of peace and love ensue… hopefully for all of them to one day give way to a stillness in the throb where there will establish a no-throb. spurana to no-spurana in experience. heart-stillness in oneness of the ocean of love. om tat sat.

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Mixed Blogs

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Love is

Love is
Only love is
Love moves the leaves in the wind and the planets in the universe
All is LOVE and you are this LOVE

Ramana Maharshi, Aham Sphurana
Aham Sphurana

Vishwanatha Aiyyer and the Monkey

Q.: How did Bhagavan finally persuade that boy, Vishwanatha Aiyyer, to return home?
B.: I did not. On that night when he was sleeping outside the ashram, I was sitting some distance away from the boy when I noticed that Shabarigirisan was sitting blissfully alone on the roof of the ashram, staring at the full moon in great contentment. When I looked at him, the languor [monkey] leaped down, pressed some ginger shoots into my hands and took them back; then he climbed back and was for sometime ingesting them. Then he did something nobody will believe. He came near us, poised himself on the floor in the Bakāsanam, and softly began whistling [or screeching], perfectly, the tune corresponding to ‘Endaro Mahanubhavulu…’.

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Authentic Intimacy

Authentic Intimacy becomes possible when two people meet without the daily drama of “my life.” This relating is about presence, just being there in a dance with the other. Being present with everything that simply is.

Aham Sphurana

Realise the Self.

Q.: What is the guarantee that I shall Realise the Self if I surrender?
B.: You are missing the point of surrender.

Q.: How so?
B.: To surrender is to let go of everything without anticipating or expecting anything in return. Letting go of everything also encompasses abandoning the aspiration to Realise the Self. Suppose you are holding a red-hot iron-ball. Your hand is quivering in unbearable pain. Somebody suggests unto you that you let go.

Aham Sphurana

Libelling Bhagavan

7th August, 1936
Early in the morning as usual the sarvadhikari [manager] arrives with wet dhoti [cotton wrap] and prostrates in front of Bhagavan whose eyes are closed. The meditating Aghori and myself are the only others in the Hall. Observing the master in a meditative inflection of comportment, I have, as always on such instances, closed my eyes. The sarvadhikari rises; he lingers for a fraction-of-a-second longer than usual. Then he moves toward the door.

Bhagwan Sri Ramana Maharshi reading
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Day by Day with a Jnani

Q : Does the Jnani have no sensory perceptions? For instance, if Bhagavan inadvertantly stubs his toe against a brick, is there no sensation?

B : The sensation is there, but not the idea, “I am feeling this sensation.” The Jnani’s state can be correctly comprehended only by the Jnani; others merely wonder about with complicated sounding words without actually Knowing. The Jnani or Jivanmuktha is said to be like a person fast asleep inside a house whose doors and windows are wide open.

Ramana Maharshi, Aham Sphurana
Aham Sphurana

The Play Around Bhagavan

B.: The genuine state of Self is the non-dual Sahaja-stithi [ ]. This cannot be experienced because in that state there is no experiencer. Whatever is experienced is only unreal and illusory. The fact that an experiencer is available to assert ‘I experience.’ shows that all experiences are futile and worthless. ‘Who is the experiencer?’ is what we must find out. Some think experiencing bliss means that the Self is Realised. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Bliss is a dangerous distraction.

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Summa Iru

There are two things an individual is normally engaged in; either his body is busy doing something or his mind is engaged in thinking something. Seldom does he remain as ‘himself’, free from all influences. Seldom does he remain in his natural state of peace and happiness. When he remains thoughtless and speechless, he attains his natural state of serenity and peace.

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Steve Jobs: The Crazy Ones

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes … the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. …

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Enlightenment is an Illusion

The first thing I would say is that there are not any enlightened people. This word enlightenment is a wrong word. It is like sex or love or god. It is like some idea far away in the future. Maybe it has a value because it can bring people to find themselves, just as the peak of Mount Everest brings people to climb mountains.

Ramana Maharshi, Most begged for Bhagavan’s blessings in their endeavours, and specifically would mention that the sheet carrying the reply be sanctified by his hallowed touchAham Sphurana
Aham Sphurana

Letters to Bhagavan

During the Master’s lifetime, the practise existed in the Ashram for devotees to send in letters asking for all manners and varieties of things. Most begged for Bhagavan’s blessings in their endeavours, and specifically would mention that the sheet carrying the reply be sanctified by his hallowed touch.

Many wrote wanting their prayers or wishes to be fulfilled. Others solicited clarification on doctrinal points. Yet other epistles carried doubts raised regarding practice.

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Hiding in Non-Duality

JD: It’s very easy to say, “I don’t need to look at anything, ‘I am nothing.’”

Q: I did therapy where I ended up in very nice love space with an open heart. Then I met you and Advaita and discovered this “Oh, I’m nothing,” and again I don’t need to look to anything.

JD: But this is just a nice idea. It is one of the popular mistakes made by people during the last years in Satsang, about non duality.

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Our True Nature

Hans was one of Papaji’s earliest western students. When they first met he lived in Germany and he would go to India, to Haridwar, for about three months at a time, often staying in a guesthouse with Papaji. They would share a room and go on long walks along the river, mostly in silence, which is where he asked Papaji this question….

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Sex, Love and the Illusion

Authentic Love is very different from falling in love. Falling in love is the ultimate illusion. Because to fall in love there must be a somebody. A somebody who falls in love with somebody else. So there is me and you. And as we know, when there is me and you, then I am identified with my life.