Bhagwan Sri Ramana Maharshi

The Saint of Arunachala Mountain in South India ​

Who am I? 

"Solve this great problem and you solve all other problems" 
- Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Arunachala Shiva – Teachings of Ramana Maharshi” is a film tribute from John David where he together with David Godman and James Swartz offer thought-provoking expert commentaries on the life and teachings of Ramana.

Book Shelf

NEW: Aham Sphurana – A Glimpse of Self Realisation

Fascinating dialogues and stories of Sri Ramana Maharshi recorded by Sri Gajapathi Aiyyer in the summer 1936, at Ramana Ashram.

This book contains a selection from the complete manuscript Aham Sphurana. This selection, a brilliant treasure, speaks for itself. Beside the detailed teachings on Self-Enquiry, Surrender and Jnana, it exposes a new glimpse of Bhagavan’s personal day-to-day life at fifty-six, in his middle age.

The Book is available in English and German, as Ebook and Paperback.

Aham Sphurana A Glimpse of Self Realization NEW BOOK NEW TEACHINGS
Who am I?


1879 Dec 30
1896 July
1896 Sept I
1897 Feb
1950 April 14 

Born in Tiruchuzhi, Tamil Nadu, South India,  as Venkataraman
Spiritural Awakening aged sixteen
Arrived at Arunachala aged sixteen
Moved to Gurumurtham
Moved to Virupaksha Cave aged twenty
Gave first recorded teaching Who Am I? aged twenty-two
Recovered his speech
Given the name Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
Mother arrived to live at Virupaksha Cave
Moved to Skanda Ashram age thirty-seven
Mother died and later Bhagavan moved down the hill
Bhagavan rewrote and published Who Am I?
Simple bamboо ashram buildings constructed
Stone ashram buildings constructed
Paul Brunton visited
New granite Hall built in front of Mother’s Shrine
Cancer appeared on Bhagavan’s arm Moved very ill to live in Samadhi Room
Bhagavan passed away at 8.47pm

Ramana's Awakening

In 1896 the 16-year-old boy Venkataraman challenged death by a penetrating enquiry into the source of his being. The following awakening intuitively led him to the holy mountain Arunachala in South India. Here he spent years of solitude meditating in temples and caves. Later in life he became known as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi and attracted many spiritual seekers to his ashram on the foothill of Arunachala mountain. Every visitor received teachings according to their own level of understanding and priority for freedom. Often, he would simply transmit his teachings through deep silence, or he would teach the method of Self-Enquiry.

Bhagwan Sri Ramana Maharshi reading

“Just drop all seeking, turn your attention inward, and sacrifice your mind to the One Self radiating in the Heart of your very being.”

- Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Arunachala! You root out the ego of those who meditate on you in the heart. Oh Arunachala!"

- Sri Ramana Maharshi

Arunachala Drawing by Ramana Maharshi

Arunachala, oh holy mountain high,
A beacon of light that touches the sky,
In Tamil Nadu, your presence is felt,
A sacred abode where pilgrims melt.

Your peak so majestic, adorned with grace,
A source of wonder for those who trace,
The path that leads to your lofty peak,
A journey of faith that’s truly unique.

From Ramana’s cave to Girivalam’s round,
Devotees seek blessings that abound,
Arunachala, your power so vast,
Transforms lives, with every step they cast.

In the glow of the full moon’s light,
The hill shines bright, a mystical sight,
Arunachala, you hold the key,
To unlock the secrets of eternity.

Your name alone, a mantra so pure,
That touches hearts, and makes them sure,
That the divine resides in your soul,
Arunachala, you make us whole.

So we bow to you, with reverence and love,
And offer our prayers to the heavens above,
For Arunachala, you are the way,
To find the truth, and light our way.


Arunachala Mountain is one of five holy places dedicated to Shiva in South India. Sri Ramana Ashram is situated at its foothills. According to the legend Brahma and Vishnu were arguing over which one of them was superior. To settle the dispute Shiva entered and used his awesome powers to manifest as a column of light which then turned into the form of Arunachala.

Ramana Maharshi said that whereas other holy places such as Varanasi and Rishikesh are important abodes of Shiva, Arunachala Mountain is Shiva himself.

It is a place that provides true self-knowledge (jnana) and because this is not wanted by many people Arunachala remains relatively unknown. To those who truly seek knowledge of the Self, this mountain will always make itself known through one way or the other.

Every year in January, John David offers an intensive Retreat at the feet of the holy hill.

The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi

Self Enquiry: Bringing the Mind Back to the Self

Self-Enquiry is in the words of Ramana Maharshi “the most sacred of sacred.” It is indeed a radical spiritual method. Ramana has explained why this practice is singularly effective: “What is essential in any sadhana [spiritual practice] is to try to bring back the running mind and fix it on one thing only. Why then should it not be brought back and fixed in Self-attention? That alone is Self-Enquiry. That is all that is to be done!” 

This question of “Who am I?” comes from a space of deep Stillness, and is also nurtured from the same silence which sometimes spontaneously appear in our mind and in our being. In this way there can occur an instant inner recognition of who we really are.

“The only useful purpose of the present birth is to turn within and realize the Self”

- Sri Ramana Maharshi

John David’s Connection to Ramana Maharshi

“Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi came into my life quietly, imperceptibly, through a photograph twenty years ago, and has become a central inspiration in my life. 

Thank you for the exemplary life you led and for the simplicity and clarity with which you guide us. The question “Who am I?” has provided a golden key to all who wish to know their essential nature.”

– John David

Sri Ramana Maharshi was the teacher of John David’s Indian teacher Papaji.  So, it is natural that John David considers Ramana his own root teacher. For 20 years he has conducted a January retreat near Arunachala mountain, and it has been an excellent way to continuously revitalise his heartfelt connection to Ramana.

John David finds Self-Enquiry to be the most direct way of giving spiritual seekers a spontaneous glimpse of the True Self. During retreats John David often dedicates a whole day to intense practice of Self-Enquiry. Participants sit together face to face and ask each other “Who are you?”. Over time that all conceptual answers to the question falls away and a monumental silence permeates the entire room.

–> More about Self-Enquiry Workshops

Ramana Maharshi - Dialogues and Stories

Ramana eyes

Rooting Out the Ego and Persevering on the Path

Q: Which is genuine Vichara – asking myself Who am I? every time a thought arises or keenly investigating the problem of who I am?
B: The latter. If you want to get rid of a poisonous tree, do you lop off its leaves one by one? What is the use of such an approach? In the time it takes for you to cut down one leaf, leaves multitudinous in number and multifarious in variety would have sprouted forth from the vicious tree. Instead, attack the poisonous root of illusion, namely the ahamvritti, straightaway!

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Ramana with Boy and Stick

Danger of Emptiness [shunyastithi]

Bhagavan: ( )…Otherwise, the aspirant will in all likelihood unknowingly mistake the shunyastithi [state of emptiness] to be Jnana and rest in it, eventually becoming hopelessly lost.

It is an unfortunate fact that many teachers of meditation tutor shunyastithi and purposely delude their pupils into believing that it is Jnana.

Shunyastithi [state of emptiness] is a deadly spiritual poison.

It drives one away from the Heart, thereafter the lost ground has to be recovered all the way by means of doubling-back if Jnana is to be reached. That is why meditation is not encouraged here, but only Vichara.

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Rama Na

BE As You Are

Bhagavan: People are so obsessed with and enamoured by mental activity that they imagine that by some special kind of mental activity, such as meditation, for instance, the Self can be duped into revealing Itself. It is not so. Only complete cessation of mental activity can reveal the Self. Giving up the personal self or the idea of the seekers existence, should, again, be volitionless and unconditional; it should not be driven by any motive.

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Ripe Souls Attain Jnana

Bhagavan: People are so obsessed with and enamoured by mental activity that they imagine that by some special kind of mental activity, such as meditation, for instance, the Self can be duped into revealing Itself. It is not so. Only complete cessation of mental activity can reveal the Self. Giving up the personal self or the idea of the seekers existence, should, again, be volitionless and unconditional; it should not be driven by any motive.

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Ramana Group Picture

How we Sabotage Vichara

Chadwick: [unhappily] I have been staying here for months. I see no improvement in me. If anything, my condition seems to be taking a turn for the worse. I am desperate to Realise in this lifetime
B: Give up the idea that you are striving for Realisation.

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More Dialogues with Sri Ramana and Stories about the Life in the Ashram

Photos of Sri Ramana Maharshi

Visit the Gallery with rare Photos of Bhagavan.

In Reverence and Gratitude to the Great Saint of Arunachala

A vivid Biography of Ramana Maharshi, by David Godman and John David